Home » What is the value of the US High school diploma in Antigua and Barbuda?

What is the value of the US High school diploma in Antigua and Barbuda?

The US High school diploma is a school-leaving certificate. It marks the completion of a fairly general secondary school curriculum and indicates that the individual is ready for the world of work. It also can be used as matriculation into some community colleges.

In Antigua and Barbuda, the US High School Diploma is generally regarded as equivalent to 5 CSEC (The Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate) subjects, including Mathematics and English. That is, it represents the minimum requirement for entry into the Civil Service, and also for entry into a college or university in Antigua.

 However, in addition to the diploma, a transcript would be needed for an assessment of equivalencies to specific CSEC subject areas to be made.  In the region too, a US High School Diploma can be used as entry into some community colleges.